THE rookie NYPD cop who was caught giving a lapdance to a married lieutenant on camera says she's ...embarrassed... and has not returned to work since the video leaked. Vera Mekuli told TMZ in a video that she is the ...life of the party... and likes to ...have a good time,... but offered her apologies to the lieutenant and his family.

Vera Mekuli spoke to TMZ about the incident

Mekuli's lapdance was filmed at her NYPD precinct's holiday party The footage from a New York Police Department holiday party appears to show the rookie cop giving her boss, Nick McGarry, a married lieutenant, a raunchy lap dance in a bar as a crowd looks on. But Mekuli says in the video she had ...no knowledge... of McGarry's marriage. ...It was supposed to be for fun, s**ts and giggles, and, you know, I feel like I completely ruined, I guess, his picture as a lieutenant, as a boss,... Mekuli says in the video. While she ...can't recall... the exact situation leading up to the lapdance, Mekuli said that people were saying ...you won't do this,... so she ...took on the dares.... Most read in News TOUCHING TRIBUTES Victim, 29, from Las Vegas dies in NFL star's tragic car crash accident JONBENET MYSTERY Slain child beauty queen's brother reveals why he thinks cops suspect mom 'BRILLIANT & BEAUTIFUL' Victim killed in NFL star's horror crash pictured as family mourn SHOPPERS' TERROR One victim injured in Target store shooting as cops clear scene outside CRACKING THE CASE How JonBenet Ramsey murder mystery could be 'solved in HOURS' MAULED TO DEATH Boogie boarder is killed by shark in horrific attack on Christmas Eve ...I grabbed the lieutenant, sat him down, and I pretty much did a lapdance that is seen worldwide now.... ...I'm not sure what's to happen after this.... ...JUDGMENT AND SHAME' Mekuli goes on to say that her coworkers have been supportive and believe the video was ...blown out of proportion... and ...it got out of hand so quickly.... But Mekuli says there is ...judgment and shame that shouldn't be there... despite the support she's received. ...I couldn't grow the courage to go back to work, so they did accommodate me in working from home for this week.... ...As far as going back, I would love to go back.... But she does have worries and hesitations. ...Now my name is out there, my photo's out there.... ...I feel like now everywhere I go people are gonna know ...Oh that's the girl. She gave the lap dance.'... The 44th Precinct serves the southwest Bronx in New York City. Mekuli reportedly joined the force this year. In the video, the miniskirt-clad cop places her rear end against her superior, wiggling her hips in circles to the loud music at the bar. Then, she turns around, straddling one of McGarry's legs as he places his hands on her thighs and pulls her close. The rookie cop continues to dance, her arms in the air, as McGarry slides his hands up to the small of her back, which is exposed by the black crop top. Surrounding them, a crowd stands with drinks and phones in hand, some apparently recording the spectacle while others look on with open mouths. At one point, someone in the crowd yells ...Oh my God.... It's not clear if the pair are surrounded by colleagues, guests of the party, or other patrons at the venue, Rory Dolan's Restaurant & Bar in Yonkers. An invitation for the event posted to Facebook boasted an open bar, live DJ, and raffle prize for the price of the $75 ticket. Sources within the police department told the New York Post that married McGarry was transferred to Transit District 12 while the NYPD investigation into his conduct is pending. The police source also told the Post that " 'the recruit ' doesn't know any better because she just came on the job,... and that McGarry apologized for the incident. ...Messing with your subordinate is a no-no,... the source reportedly said. ...I can't even tell you how many times they tell incoming supervisors that.... The Sun has reached out to the NYPD and is awaiting comment.

Lieutenant Nick McGarry, left, is shown in the videoTwitter/NYPD

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Source: NYPD rookie who gave lapdance to lieutenant says she is embarrassed and hasn't been to work since leak of party 'dare'
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