A DEVASTATED young mum and her daughter have had their Christmas ruined after their expensive family dog was stolen by heartless thieves. Afsha Waheed, 28, hopes their blue micro bully, named ...Russia', will be returned after being snatched from their home in Birmingham home two days before Christmas.

BPM MediaAfsha Waheed said her daughter is devastated after their beloved dog was stolen from their Birmingham home '/ ' She told cops that her home was broken into at 1pm while she was out in the city centre with her three-year-old daughter Amaya. When they returned home they found a window smashed in, their TV stolen, and their beloved family dog nowhere to be seen. Heartbroken Afsha shared on social media the CCTV images of the man she suspects may have been involved, and is hoping that a Christmas miracle will bring Russia home to them. Afsha told BirminghamLive: ...My three-year-old Amaya is absolutely devastated, we both are. ...We just want to find Russia and need help locating her. ...My daughter keeps asking me when Russia is coming home. She saw the broken glass and everything. She knows someone has taken our dog. Most read in UK News WHITE XMAS Met Office SEVERE warnings as -2C snow blizzards to sweep Britain this weekend ELF LIFE When does Elf on The Shelf arrive and does he leave on Christmas Eve? DOUBLE TRAGEDY Dad mauled to death by dog in front of his kids after wife died of cancer BARING ALL Farmers pose naked as they feed cows topless and straddle tractors for calendar JIM ON DOOR The Door's frontman Jim Morrison's face appears in dent on garage door TOTAL SICKO Paedophile jailed for having cocaine-fuelled sex with an Alsatian ...I can't believe something like this would happen in broad daylight. I was in town taking my daughter for a haircut at the time.... She added ...I'm concerned Russia will be sold to someone. They probably have plans to breed her because she is expensive. ...But Russia is no use for breeding as she has a life-long medical issue \- they may as well return her.... The mum added she is ...so sad... because the nine-month-old pup ...hasn't got any aggression in her.... She said: ...She is of pitbull descent so could have done a lot of damage with her teeth if she was that way inclined.... Russia has white on her chest and a mark at the back of her neck in the shape of a diamond. The pup is said to be on medication and needs regular visits to the vests, which is another concern for Afsha. The worried parent added: ...I just hope someone out there can help us get Russia home.... Similar dogs often sell for thousands of pounds, according to breeders.

BPM MediaAfsha says the thieves likely have plans to breed the dog, because it is an expensive breed '/ '

BPM MediaAfsha said she returned home to find her window smashed, TV stolen and their dog ...Russia' missing '/ '
Source: Devastated three-year-old girl's Christmas ruined after heartless thieves snatch her beloved dog
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