A WOMAN was left angry and creeped out after a driver let himself into her home to deliver a parcel. Samantha Griffiths, 33, returned from the shops to find a note from Yodel by the front door saying her parcel was in the kitchen.

Samantha Griffiths returned from the shops to find a note from Yodel

The community care worker thought it was an error The community care worker thought it was an error. But when she saw it she realised the courier had walked through her gate into the garden before opening a back door which she absent-mindedly left unlocked. Ms Griffiths said: "It was surreal. I just thought he'd made a mistake but when my parcel was sat there I could not believe it. I was in total shock. "Who on earth would think of going into someone's house?" She rang cops on 101 after the incident which she said left, her feeling unsafe at her home in Ashford, Kent. She added: "I could have been in the bath upstairs. ...The whole week after I kept going round the house checking all the doors were locked. I was left feeling unnerved. "I know I won't get an apology from the driver, but Yodel should take some responsibility." Most read in The US Sun BIG BOOST $3,000 checks being sent out now as New Year surprise cash to arrive next week HIGHWAY HELL 'Up to 100 cars and semi-trucks' involved in huge pileup on icy interstate TRAGIC END Chimp beaten to death by first apes she'd met after being raised by humans CATCH HER KILLER My sister JonBenet was 'slain for sick fantasy & murderer is still alive' TRISTAN'S LOSS! Khloe stuns in bodysuit as she feels 'embarrassed' by Tristan's cheating HELP FOR HOLIDAYS Surprise $1,000 December stimulus checks being sent out in next 10 days A Yodel spokesman said: "This behaviour clearly does not meet the strict protocols we set for all our drivers. ...We are investigating."

She said: ...When my parcel was sat there I could not believe it'

Ms Griffiths said: ...It was surreal'

The courier had walked through her gate into the garden before opening a back door We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun news desk? Email us at exclusive@the-sun.co.uk or call 0207 782 4104. You can WhatsApp us on 07423 720 250. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours. Click here to get The Sun newspaper delivered for FREE for the next six weeks.
Source: I was creeped out after Yodel driver let himself into my house and left my parcel in the kitchen
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