US Politics | Shocking moment road rage driver chases another motorist with a piece of his CAR after motorway smash

Wed, 22 Dec 2021 10:36:19 +0000
A MOTORIST sprints after another driver wielding a piece of his crashed car as a weapon in an alarming road rage attack captured on video. The two men were seen in hot pursuit along the side of a dual carriageway after one had appeared to deliberately ram the other in Auckland, New Zealand, on Monday. 812Shocking video shows a road rage driver chasing another man with a piece of his crashed car 811He was filmed wielding the piece of wreckage as a weapon 811The furious pursuit continues down the slip road in Auckland, New Zealand After a dangerous high-speed game of dodgems, one driver was forced to play dodge-em on foot. Footage shows a man dressed in a high-vis orange vest angrily waving a piece of wreckage over his head like a club. The other man in a white T-shirt legs it down a slip road to escape as his pursuer yells: ...I'm going to f*** you up!... It is not clear whether the angry driver caught up with the other man after the video ends. The chase was filmed on a phone as dozens of other road users watched in astonishment in a jam at the crash scene. A silver Nissan hatchback with its rear bumper missing \- apparently belonging to the man in orange \- can be seen sideways blocking the slip road on city's Southwestern Motorway. Most read in US News MIC COUGH Joe Biden repeatedly COUGHS while giving speech on Covid and Omicron plan WAR ON CHRISTMAS Putin 'may exploit holidays & take military action while US is distracted' FIGHTING WORDS Rapper's shock feud with fellow star resurfaces after 'backstage death' MILKING IT Vid of woman 'breastfeeding CAT on plane' goes viral - but is all as it seems? TRAGIC DISCOVERY Dune star's parents both found dead at their home after wellness check DIRTY DEAL Hunter did business with missing mom's boss & 'should've been charged for fraud' A white Toyota can also be seen near a crash barrier at the same exit. It came after at least two earlier prangs were captured on a dashcam video from another car following behind. The two cars are first seen bumping together while travelling side by side at high speed. Then the Nissan is seen swerving sharply, apparently ramming the Toyota on purpose, before veering back the other way after the impact. Video of the incident was shared online by Twitter user @yalemiki275, who wrote: ...I can't believe this all unfolded in front of me.... In a statement, police told the New Zealand Herald: ...Police did attend an incident on the South-Western motorway yesterday afternoon involving a crash between two vehicles, however when we attended there was only one vehicle left at the scene which was blocking the Puhinui Road offramp. ...Both drivers had also left the scene. The vehicle that was blocking the offramp was removed. ...Police have subsequently been made aware of this footage and we are making further enquiries to establish the full circumstances surrounding this incident. ...One of the drivers has been spoken with and witnesses have also been spoken to. Our enquiries are ongoing in relation to the driver of the second vehicle.... In September we told how a road rage driver chased another man with a spade and smashed his back window in Dagenham, Essex. In August, dashcam showed a furious Jeep driver lobbing an axe at a woman's windscreen in Seattle, US. And in 2017, we told how a road rage driver in Australia forgot to put on his handbrake and got run over by his own car. 785Earlier dashcam video shows the cars bashing into each other at high speed 786The silver Nissan then appears to ram the white Toyota 717The two cars come to rest by an exit after another crash that was not caught on camera 812The Nissan ends up blocking the sliproad 903The man in orange is seen with the wreckage before chasing the other man

Shocking moment road rage driver chases another motorist with a piece of his CAR after motorway smash


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