US Politics | Man posts photo of world’s worst Christmas do after boss spends just £1.60 per person and serves up INSTANT NOODLES

Thu, 16 Dec 2021 18:30:18 +0000
A MAN has shared a photo of what could be the world's worst Christmas bash after his boss spent just £1.60 per employee and served up instant noodles. Zazh Mander said it had to be ...the cheapest office Christmas party that ever existed.... 408TikTok / @zach_manderZach Mander said it was ...the cheapest Christmas party that ever existed' '/ ' 410TikTok / @zach_manderEmployees were served instant noodles '/ ' Recounting how the tragic party unfolded on TikTok, the Aussie said: ...The call comes over the PA for everyone to go to the multi-purpose room for the Christmas party \- which was the first red flag.... He said in a deadpan tone that the company of 20 employees served child's desk of sushi.... Zach said: ...Look at it sitting there. An island of disappointment. ...I turned around to the wall I just came in on and behind me 'was ' the pyramid of two-minute noodle. ...This is the worst type of pyramid scheme. Like the pyramids of Giza is a tribute to dead pharaohs this pyramid was a tribute to my dead career.... He the noodles as the ...tower of terror... and noted a bizarre assortment of Hawaiian leis around the room. He then estimated the company ...spent $3 (£1.60) per employee... on the spread. ...Nothing says ...we value your services' like ...hey here's some loose change, pick it up off the ground'. I left soon after that \- yes related,... he said. The worker went on to say it was his ...understanding... that company has since gone bankrupt. ...It wasn't because they were spending too much on Christmas parties, I know that,... he added. Zach's horror Xmas party story prompted a wave of amusing replies. One person wrote: ...Mate, I work for state government. We pay to go to our Christmas party.... Another joker said: ...My office party is tomorrow. I have to pay for my own food AND I'm not getting paid for my time.... A third person added: ...We had to fill in a form to have it deducted from our January pay if we wanted to go.... 406TikTok / @zach_manderZach estimates the company spent £1.60 (AUD $3) per employee '/ ' 408TikTok / @zach_manderThe TikToker said he soon left the company afterwards '/ '

Man posts photo of world's worst Christmas do after boss spends just £1.60 per person and serves up INSTANT NOODLES


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