Top News | Mystery bag found in search for missing three-year-old William Tyrell as cops say his remains will be uncovered

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 16:54:17 +0000
COPS searching for missing three-year-old William Tyrrell have found a mysterious bag they believe could lead to finding the young boy's remains. William \- whose been dubbed ...Australia's Madeleine McCann... \- vanished in broad daylight from his foster grandparents' New South Wales garden in 2014. 960PAPolice are confident the bag will lead to William's remains '/ ' 960PAThe green nylon bag was found in one of three sites of interest '/ ' Cops now believe an old hessian bag found buried in William's late foster grandmother's home could provide a clue to the boy's whereabouts. Cops unearthed the green nylon bag this week while searching one of three new locations and said it could take months to find his remains. The vital piece of evidence was discovered near a tree trunk which was marked as a point of interest by anthropologist Dr Penny McArdle. It's the sixth clue police have found since raiding the property on Monday. A police spokesman said investigators are removing 15-30cms of dirt ...over the entire one kilometre square dig site... and remain confident William's body ...will be in there.... The spokesman added: ...Between half a foot and a foot down and once they get down through the top soil into the orangey clay they know that's well into seven years down. ...They are scraping back seven years of dirt.... It comes as cops uncovered two pieces of fabric earlier in a creek-bed near the property. According to the Daily Mail, one piece was a blue-coloured strip of fabric around 8cm X 8cm. A NEW SUSPECT Cops have been scouring the New South Wales property for new clues weeks after revealing they had a new suspect in the long-running mystery. Detective Chief Inspector David Laidlaw said further information had come to light after a review of materials gathered by investigators since William's disappearance seven years ago. He said: "As our team continue to conduct inquiries and explore all avenues of investigation, our focus has been identifying if anything has been missed, or if there are any details – no matter how small – that need to be clarified. "Police remain committed to finding out what happened to William, but our most important job here is to bring him home for both families." William was just three years old when he vanished while playing with his sister on September 12, 2014. He was in the care of foster parents who took him on a visit to the coastal town of Kendall, New South Wales, on the day he disappeared. His parents went inside to make a cup of tea while William and his sister played hide and seek outside. When they returned five minutes later the toddler had vanished. William's biological grandmother \- who has not been named \- told local news the investigation has been ...shambolic.... She said: ...The foster care people, they knew everything and we knew nothing. ...We were just having a little picnic \- out jumps the foster care mother… and starts giving the kids lollipops and Kinder Surprises. ...So she was just like watching what's going on. ...My son used to always say he was too scared to love his kids… he was too scared to love them for an hour of supervised visits. ...He's not alive. I knew he wasn't alive for the last seven years. So, I'm just scared.... Police said William's foster parents are persons of interest and are offering a £538,000 reward for new information. 960NSW PoliceWilliam Tyrrell went missing seven years ago '/ ' 960PAPolice have conducted multiple digs across the New South Wales property '/ ' 960PACops say William's foster parents are persons of interest in the investigation '/ '

Mystery bag found in search for missing three-year-old William Tyrell as cops say his remains will be uncovered


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