MEMBERS of the Turpin family spoke about how a camera hidden in a Barbie doll filmed the kids being caged, beaten, starved, and sexually abused. Jennifer and Jordan Turpin spoke out for the first time in an interview with Diane Sawyer, which aired on Friday night, about the horrific abuse the 13 siblings went through.

Jennifer and Jordan Turpin spoke about the abuse they enduredRex Features

ABCThe sisters described hiding a camera in a Barbie '/ '

APDavid and Louise Turpin were given life in prison '/ ' Jennifer spoke during the ABC interview about how before the siblings were freed, she was afraid to do anything wrong because her parents would beat her. ...If I did one little thing wrong, I was going to be beaten,... she said. ...And not just beat, beat until I bled. Jordan said that she got the idea to run away after uploading some videos online. ......When mother and father would leave, that's when I would sneak into the bathroom and make my videos and put them out,... she said. Jordan would record herself singing, usually in the bathroom. She told Sawyer that a viewer once messaged her and asked a few questions. Their conversation prompted her to realize she should seek help. Most read in US News NOT OVER YET Kyle Rittenhouse victims' families could sue teen after not guilty verdict MYSTERY DEEPENS Brian Laundrie's cause of death to be revealed as notebook found near body TERMINAL TERROR Passenger 'accidentally discharges' GUN sparking 'active shooter' fears FREE AT LAST Bodycam shows squalor inside Turpin home & bruises of kids chained to beds 'REST IN PEACE' Second Kenosha victim shot by Kyle Rittenhouse identified by family members MONEY MADNESS Drivers scramble to grab cash on freeway after it fell from armored truck The malnourished siblings, who ranged from 29 to three, were locked in cages and chained to beds by parents Louise and David Turpin. Some of the children were abused for decades. Jennifer was held captive for nearly 30 years. Read Our Turpin House of Horrors Live Blog Here The alarm was finally raised in August 2018 when then-17-year-old Jordan managed to slip out of a window of their Californian home. In the interview, the sisters also spoke about how they put a camera inside of a Barbie to capture the abuse. JORDAN'S 911 CALL Jordan recounted the terrifying decision to call 911 on her parents after she managed to escape. She explained: ...My whole body was shaking and when I was still on the phone I remember I couldn't really dial 911 because ... I was trying to dial 911 but I couldn't even get my thumbs to press the buttons because I was shaking so bad. ...But I was trying to calm down so I could do it. And then I finally pressed it and they answered. I literally never talked to someone on the phone.... David, now 60, and Louise, 53, were jailed for life on February 22, 2019, on counts of child cruelty, false imprisonment, and torture. Jordan's 911 call, which was aired during the episode, describes some of the horrors that the Turpin children went through. ...They hit us ... they throw us across the room, they pull our hair, they yank out our hair,... she said. ...My two little sisters right now are chained up.... Jennifer, who is the eldest Turpin child, said that her parents pulled her out of school after third grade — and her parents became more isolating and abusive as the years went on and more children were born. A NEW LIFE When the Turpin children were eventually rescued, the sisters described how the smallest things — like being able to listen to music or smell the grass outside — meant the world to them. Jordan described her first experience at a park. ...I was so excited because I could smell the grass,... she said. ...I was like, ...How could heaven be better than this? … Oh my gosh, this is so free, this is life.'... Jordan and Jennifer did not discuss their other 11 siblings, wishing to protect their privacy, but did say that the family gets together often. ...It feels at home, being with all of us,... Jordan said. ...Every time we're together, it's a very special moment, because we always know at the end of the day, we're always gonna have each other....

The sisters also spoke about how they put a camera inside of a Barbie to capture the abuseABC

Jordan said that she got the idea to run away after uploading some videos onlineABC

Riverside County Sheriff's DepartmentThe 13 children were locked up and abused '/ '
Source: How Turpins' secret camera in Barbie doll filmed abuse that saw kids caged, beaten, starved and sexually abused
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