A MASSIVE 14-foot-long shark was spotted just yards from a popular Hawaii beach spot feasting on a sea turtle. The gruesome sight prompted officials to issue an urgent warning to swimmers, sparking fresh fears among locals and tourists. KITVHawaii authorities have issued a warning to swimmers amid reports of a shark sighting '/ ' GettyOfficials claim the 14-foot beast \- believed to be a tiger shark \- was seen feasting on a sea turtle '/ ' According to KITV, the huge beast was spotted near the shore in waters fronting Maili Cove Apartments. Warning signs have since been posted at the beach, informing the public of the sighting. Officials encourage beachgoers to go to a lifeguard tower for information on the status of the shark warning before they enter the water. It comes after a shark was filmed leaping out of the water just yards from surfers in Hawaii. Read more on sharks TERRIFYING SIGHTINGS Horror after giant 13ft great white sharks spotted in new pics & vid SLOW AND STEADY Sharks change movements if they see threat - top signs to avoid an attack The beast \- thought to have been eight feet long – was spotted rotating in the air as it swam side by side with locals in Honolulu in July.   This week The U.S. Sun reported how several beaches across the country have been forced to close amid a rise in shark sightings. In San Diego, scores of leopard sharks were spotted near the seaside resort of La Jolla, in San Diego County. While, Race Point Beach, in Massachusetts, was forced to close for an hour on Friday after a great white was spotted swimming close to the shoreline. Most read in News 'mental collapse' Nurse, 37, 'suffered frightening breakdown before killing 6 in crash' MASSACRE Trial underway after 8 relatives found dead at home in execution-style ambush BELOVED ANCHOR LOST TV news legend dies aged 88 as fans pay tribute to 'institution' FOOD SAFETY Urgent warning after 'undeclared allergen' is found in 2 Chick-fil-A menu items INFANT DEATH Couple who crowdfunded for funeral of 7-week-old are charged with her MURDER TRAGIC END 'Beyond Scared Straight' alum found dead in abandoned home in California Experts suggest that sharks tend to migrate to areas such as Cape Cod during the summer months because of its warmer waters. Megan Winton, of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, previously told Boston25 that shark sightings tend to peak in August and remain steady until the end of October. She said: "Just know that large sharks are here. They're a constant presence from June to the fall." Earlier this month, at least 30 great whites were spotted lurking off the Massachusetts area – becoming one of the worst hit areas. Data revealed that 14 beasts were detected on August 2 and there were 16 sightings on August 3, according to Sharktivity. Just know that large sharks are here Megan Winton Researchers revealed that there were 14 great white sightings over a six-hour time period off the coast of Cape Cod on August 2. In one instance, one pilot saw a beast just 50 yards off the shoreline, according to Sharktivity. Officials were forced to shut South Beach in Martha's Vineyard for two hours. The beast was only five to ten yards offshore, lifeguards told Patch. SHARK ATTACKS In total, at least 34 shark attacks have been reported in the United States this year, according to Tracking Sharks. Earlier this month, two swimmers were attacked off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina within hours. Karren Sites was on vacation when she said a shark had bitten her arm. Sites was in waist-deep water with her grandson, Brian, just a couple of feet away at the time of the bite. She told WPDE: "I just felt something, I guess, bite me and there was a shark on my arm. I was only in waist-deep water. I kept pushing at it to get it off my arm and it did." Sites needed surgery and received hundreds of stitches. Meanwhile, Jameson Reeder Jr, 10, was forced to have part of his leg amputated after being bitten by a shark while on vacation in the Florida Keys. Read More on The US Sun IN A BIND I have DDD boobs - two things I keep in my purse in case of fashion emergencies 'MORE WORK TO DO' Michael Strahan complains about his long working week after GMA break Officials confirmed that the youngster had been snorkeling at the time of the accident. His family suspected that he was bitten by an eight-foot bull shark.

US Politics | Massive 14-foot shark spotted savaging victim yards from coastline sparking urgent warning to swimmers

A MASSIVE 14-foot-long shark was spotted just yards from a popular Hawaii beach spot feasting on a sea turtle. The gruesome sight pro...
MERCIFULLY, very few of the UK's hundreds of spider species are recorded to have ever bitten people. But what do spider bites actually look like, and how long do the symptoms last for? There are around 650 species of spider in the UK and all of them can bite \- though only 12 have been recorded as being able to bite humans, according to the Natural History Museum website. Bites in Britain are relatively uncommon but nevertheless, they do happen from time to time and can be pretty nasty. Most of the time the creatures leave small puncture marks on the skin, which can be painful and cause redness and swelling. Other things to look out for include itching, muscle pain, red bumps and a headache. AlamyThere are 650 species of spider in the UK '/ ' Sickness, sweating and dizziness can also occur, and if infected, bites can result in a severe allergic reaction. The NHS urges anyone who has a serious reaction or any concerning symptoms to seek medical help immediately. False widow False widow spiders are spotted fairly regularly in homes and garden sheds across the UK, but they rarely bite. When they do, the site can become swollen and painful, and the pain may radiate to the surrounding area. Like most spiders, they are venomous, but experts say their venom is not particularly potent and symptoms last between one and 24 hours. Bites should be washed with soap and water before being treated with bite spray or antiseptic cream. AlamyA false widow spider bite can cause swelling and redness '/ ' Woodlouse spider Also known as the slater spider and woodlouse hunter, this spider has been known to bite humans when handled. Its venom can cause itchiness and pain around the site, but no serious medical problems. Over-the-counter products are fine to treat woodlouse spider bites. Bits from woodlouse spiders are unlikely to cause serious medical problems Giant house spider This species is one of the largest and fastest spiders in Europe, capable of running at around two feet per second. As the name suggests, they are commonly found hiding in attics, cupboards and behind boxes in homes. Their fangs are big enough to penetrate human skin and their bite can certainly be felt, it's not usually a cause for concern. However, the species can be harmful to those with specific allergies, so always keep medication nearby and call for professional medical help if necessary. Getty - ContributorA giant house spider lurking in a dusty bathroom '/ ' Jumping spider Jumping spider bites are uncommon and they tend only to strike when they feel they're under threat. Some redness, itching, stinging and swelling may occur but symptoms are usually minor and easily treated. More serious cases could see broken skin and small bubbles of pus. AlamySkin may become swollen after a jumping spider bite '/ ' Mouse spider  If you've been nipped by a mouse spider, you may experience a few mild symptoms such as redness and itching. They have also been known to cause allergic reactions in people and can cause severe illness among children, but this is rare. Mouse spiders only tend to bite if they become trapped in your clothes or are handled roughly. A cold compress, such as an ice pack, can be applied to sore areas, and elevating bitten extremities can help reduce swelling. AlamyA female mouse spider on a leaf in a garden in Thirsk, North Yorkshire '/ ' Tube web spiders  Female tube web spiders can reach up to 22mm in body length making them one of the largest species found in Britain. They also have menacing looking green fangs, and while their bites can be very painful, they are not severe. Blistering can occur, as well as some swelling, but this should subside within 24 hours. Victims have previously compared the pain to that of a wasp or bee sting. Pain killers can be used to relieve minor discomfort. AlamyA green-fanged tube web spider in a house wall near Wells, Somerset '/ ' Cardinal spider Cardinal spiders reside in nooks and crannies across Britain. Females can grow to a body length of up to 20mm, and males up to 17mm, and their legs are about three times longer in length. The cardinal spider is capable of biting, although bites have rarely been recorded. The nip is believed to be harmless and relatively painless to humans, with symptoms described as localised pain and swelling. Getty - ContributorNips from cardinal spiders are believed to be mostly harmless '/ ' Walnut orb-weaver These are one of the most venomous spiders in the UK, behind the false widow. They're not deadly, but their bites are far from pleasant. A nibble from one of these can cause burning pain, swelling and a numb arm. A cold compress and pain relief medication can be useful to help ease discomfort. AlamyPain relief can help ease symptoms of a walnut orb-weaver spider bite '/ ' Money spider More than 4,000 species belong to the money spider family, many of which are widespread across the UK. The small creatures paralyse their prey by biting them, but a nibble from one won't cause much more than redness and swelling in humans. AlamyMoney spider bites are unlikely to cause any harm '/ ' Black lace weaver These are another type of relatively venomous spider measuring up to 15mm in length. As with most species, experts urge people not to pick them up or risk being bitten. Bites will likely cause some pain, with swelling lasting up to three days. As with other spider bites, cleaning the wound will hep prevent infection and pain relief can be taken. AlamyA black lace-weaver spider seeking a mate on an interior house wall in Wiltshire '/ ' Wasp spider The wasp spider, identified by its black, yellow and white striped pattern, is new and rare to the UK Although a bite won't be fatal, bizarrely, the pain from the bite can spread to your groin. If you're bitten, monitor the bite and your symptoms for the following 24 hours to ensure your condition does not worsen. RexA wasp spider in a garden in August 2021 '/ ' Cross spider It is said to be fairly difficult to provoke a cross spider to bite, and they will only tend to bite when threatened. Their bites can cause inflammation and pain for about two to three days. AlamyA cross spider is also known as European garden spider '/ ' Lace weaver and webbed spiders Both species are found in the UK, but lace webbed spiders are much more widespread. There have been very few recorded cases of bites in humans, but reported cases have seen localised swelling for around 12 hours. Placing a cold compress on the area can help reduce swelling. AlamyBites from lace weaver spiders are rare '/ ' Zebra back spider Black and white marks distinguish the zebra back spider from other species. It tends to remain outdoors, so humans are unlikely to encounter one at home. They are capable of biting, but their venom is not life-threatening, nor is it meant to be particularly painful. AlamyThe zebra back spider is a common jumping spider '/ ' Cellar spider Long-bodied cellar spiders are also referred to as daddy long-legs. Although they may look a little scary, they are not known to bite humans. Getty - ContributorCellar spiders are often referred to as daddy long-legs '/ ' How long does a spider-bite last? The length of time a spider bite lasts can vary. According the NHS website, most bites and stings aren't serious and will get better in a few hours or days. However, they can occasionally ...become infected, cause a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or spread serious illnesses such as Lyme disease and malaria.... You can find out more about treating insect bites and stings here. Contact your GP or call NHS 111 for guidance if: Your symptoms don't start to improve within a few days or are getting worseYou're worried about a bite or stingYou've been stung or bitten in your mouth or throat, or near your eyesA large area (around 10cm or more patch of skin) around the bite becomes red and swollenYou've got symptoms of a wound infection, such as pus or increasing pain, redness or swellingYou've got symptoms of a more widespread infection, such as a high temperature, swollen glands and other flu-like symptoms Dial 999 and ask for an ambulance immediately if you or someone else has symptoms of a severe reaction, these include: Wheezing or difficulty breathingFeeling sick or being sickA swollen face, mouth or throatDizziness or feeling faintA fast heart rateLoss of consciousnessDifficulty swallowing

US Politics | What do spider bites look like?

MERCIFULLY, very few of the UK's hundreds of spider species are recorded to have ever bitten people. But what do spider bites act...
SWIMMERS have been issued an urgent warning to avoid two beaches after a teenager was bitten by a shark. The 14-year-old was surfing early this morning when he was attacked by the beast on Australia...s Central Coast \- prompting authorities to launch a drone search for the predator. AlamyAvoca and North Avoca have been closed following the attack '/ ' AlamyAuthorities are using a drone to track the shark. Stock pic '/ ' He suffered a bite on his forearm and was treated at the scene before being taken to hospital, where he was given stitches. Avoca and North Avoca beaches have now been closed as authorities hunt for the shark. Biologists from New South Wale's Department of Primary Industries believe it was likely a white shark that mauled the lad. The authority set up drum lines \-  unmanned aquatic traps \- at both beaches in an attempt to track the shark, reports Sydney Morning Herald. More on sharks SHARK BAIT Shocking moment fishermen capture huge BULL SHARK & parade carcass around town BLOOD IN WATER Horror pics show aftermath of shark attack on dolphin nearly ripped in HALF Neither line have so far captured any sharks, and drones have failed to spot the predator. Central Coast council tweeted: ...Avoca and North Avoca beaches are currently closed following a shark bite incident. ...Our thoughts are with the young surfer involved. ...Please avoid both beaches at this time until the incident can be investigated further.... Most read in The US Sun CHEER SQUAD How much do NFL cheerleaders make? ON THE MENU I'm a chef - three healthy finds at Aldi this week starting at $3 CONCERNS FOR KY Kylie responds to fans' fears she's 'on drugs' & suffering a 'breakdown' BEACH PLEASE I'm mid size and trolled for wearing an 'inappropriate' bikini to the beach CHECK IT OUT Millions to get $841 payment in DAYS as double checks sent out this month BARELY VISIBLE Kim Kardashian shows her skinny waist wearing tight dress in unedited post Shark nets are set to be installed at the bay this week. It comes after a teen was mauled by a 16ft great white shark and it ripped chunks out of his legs before his desperate pal carried him one mile to safety. Luke Pascoe, 17, had been spearfishing off Goode Beach near Albany, Western Australia, when found himself stuck between the jaws of death. He had harpooned a fish while diving in 10m deep water and was triumphantly heading to the surface when disaster struck. The bloody aftermath of his kill attracted the attention of a great white that had been lurking in the depths, before it quickly made a beeline for Luke. In the hopes of swiping the teen's catch, the underwater beast tried to chomp down on the fish \- but ended up biting his leg instead. Read More on The Sun COUGH IT UP I'm a baby first aid expert - the difference between choking & gagging As a terrified Luke bled out into the water from his several wounds, his quick-thinking friend sprang into action. Luke said he ...owes his life... to his pal Conner Shirley, who created a makeshift tourniquet from his dive belt to stem the bleeding.

US Politics | Urgent warning and beaches closed after teenage surfer attacked by shark as drone is deployed to search for beast

SWIMMERS have been issued an urgent warning to avoid two beaches after a teenager was bitten by a shark. The 14-year-old was surfing ...
AN Asda delivery driver viciously attacked a motorcyclist with a huge metal pole in a street fight, footage shows.  The van driver swung twice with a pole before the biker lashed back and threw several punches.  NewsflareAn Asda delivery driver attacked a motorcyclist with a huge pole '/ ' NewflarePassers-by tried to break up the brawl '/ ' They tussled in the middle of a busy road and an onlooker then got in the way of them, in an attempt to break up the fight.  But the driver hits the motorcyclist again with the pole and swings repeatedly in Hackney, East London, on Monday evening.  The motorcyclist throws several more punches and they barge on the pavement some more as an onlooker shouts: "Asda man, stop!" Another chap takes the pole out of the deliver man's hand and holds him back to calm him down, while a second onlooker holds the motorcyclist back to calm him down.  The motorcyclist then sped off and gestured behind him before sounding his horn. It is unclear what started the fight, but it seems as though there was a small crash beforehand. The motorcyclist was later taken to hospital with non life-threatening or life-changing injuries. Most read in The US Sun CHEER SQUAD How much do NFL cheerleaders make? ON THE MENU I'm a chef - three healthy finds at Aldi this week starting at $3 CONCERNS FOR KY Kylie responds to fans' fears she's 'on drugs' & suffering a 'breakdown' BEACH PLEASE I'm mid size and trolled for wearing an 'inappropriate' bikini to the beach CHECK IT OUT Millions to get $841 payment in DAYS as double checks sent out this month BARELY VISIBLE Kim Kardashian shows her skinny waist wearing tight dress in unedited post A witness said: "I expected better behaviour from someone representing a company like Asda.  "Attacking someone with a big weapon like that just isn't on. He could have done some real damage." Onlooker Rabbi Efrayim Goldstein notified police and the council. Read More on The Sun COUGH IT UP I'm a baby first aid expert - the difference between choking & gagging He said: ...I don't know what started the fight but it was inappropriate.... Asda is investigating the incident. The Met Police is also probing but no arrests have been made. Asda is investigating

US Politics | Watch as Asda driver viciously attacks scooter rider with a huge metal POLE in brutal street brawl after ‘crash’

AN Asda delivery driver viciously attacked a motorcyclist with a huge metal pole in a street fight, footage shows.  The van driver sw...
A MUM was stunned to find £6million in her bank account before splurging the lot on a luxury home and helping out her family. Thevamanogari Manivel was due to receive a £60 refund from cryptocurrency exchange Crypto.com, which uses actor Matt Damon in its advertising. She used some of the money to buy a plush houseBarry Plant The £800k home features five-bedroomsBarry Plant It also has its own cinema roomBarry Plant But the company accidentally entered an account number in the field that was meant to be the cash amount. Ms Manivel, from Melbourne, Australia then spent a large chunk on a plush house and shipped the rest off to other accounts. She had splashed out £800,000 on a five-bedroom, four-bathroom house as a "gift" for her sister, Thilagavathy Gangadory. The rest of the wrongful payment was then dished out between six other people, including her daughter and sister. More world news SPOILS OF WAR Taliban show off missiles & Humvees 'seized from US' in 'Freedom Day' parade SHARK HUNT Urgent warning & beaches shut after shark attacks surfer as drone hunts beast Her luck came crashing down when the mistake was realised during routine audit. Crypto.com uncovered the error and started legal proceedings, which resulted in her being ordered to pay back every penny with interest. It started its legal battle in February and managed to get Ms Manivel's accounts frozen \- but most of the money was already gone. Two weeks later, her sister's bank accounts were also frozen. Most read in The US Sun CHEER SQUAD How much do NFL cheerleaders make? ON THE MENU I'm a chef - three healthy finds at Aldi this week starting at $3 CONCERNS FOR KY Kylie responds to fans' fears she's 'on drugs' & suffering a 'breakdown' BEACH PLEASE I'm mid size and trolled for wearing an 'inappropriate' bikini to the beach CHECK IT OUT Millions to get $841 payment in DAYS as double checks sent out this month BARELY VISIBLE Kim Kardashian shows her skinny waist wearing tight dress in unedited post Victorian Supreme Court judge James Elliott said: ...Extraordinarily, the plaintiffs allegedly did not realise this significant error until some seven months later.... The judge has now ordered that the property be sold and the money be paid back \- including ten per cent interest and legal fees, reports news.com.au. Mr Elliott said: "It is established that the Craigieburn property was acquired with funds traceable to the wrongful payment and would never have been in Gangadory's hands if the wrongful payment had not been made. "Thus, Gangadory was unjustly enriched by receiving the purchase price of the Craigieburn property out of the wrongful payment. "Accordingly, I was satisfied that the orders relating to the sale of the Craigieburn property were appropriate." Other orders have also been issued against others who received money from the accidental payment. As well as buying the house, she used the money to give her family handoutsBarry Plant She has been forced to sell the house to pay back the cashBarry Plant

US Politics | Mum is accidentally paid £6MILLION into her bank account and uses cash to buy dream home and pay family

A MUM was stunned to find £6million in her bank account before splurging the lot on a luxury home and helping out her family. Thevama...
THE NATIONAL Lottery results are in and it's time to find out who has won a life-changing amount of money tonight (August 31, 2022). Could tonight's jackpot of £12.7million see you handing in your notice, jetting off to the Bahamas or driving a new Porsche off a garage forecourt? Could you win big tonight with the National Lottery? Previous winners have gone on to build mansions and buy islands You can find out by checking your ticket against tonight's numbers below. Good luck! Tonight's National Lottery Lotto winning numbers are: 13, 16, 21, 30, 49, 54 and the Bonus Ball is 08.  Tonight's National Lottery Thunderball winning numbers are: 15, 16, 17, 22, 34 and the Thunderball is 05. The first National Lottery draw was held on November 19 1994 when seven winners shared a jackpot of £5,874,778. The largest amount ever to be won by a single ticket holder was £42million, won in 1996. Gareth Bull, a 49-year-old builder, won £41million in November, 2020 and ended up knocking down his bungalow to make way for a luxury manor house with a pool. TOP 5 BIGGEST LOTTERY WINS ACROSS THE WORLD £1.308 billion (Powerball) on January 13 2016 in the US, for which three winning tickets were sold, remains history's biggest lottery prize £1.267 billion (Mega Million) a winner from South Carolina took their time to come forward to claim their prize in March 2019 not long before the April deadline £633.76 million (Powerball draw) from a winner from Wisconsin £625.76 million (Powerball)  Mavis L. Wanczyk of Chicopee, Massachusetts claimed the jackpot in August 2017 £575.53 million (Powerball)  A lucky pair of winners scooped the jackpot in Iowa and New York in October 2018 Sue Davies, 64, bought a lottery ticket to celebrate ending five months of shielding during the pandemic — and won £500,000. Sandra Devine, 36, accidentally won £300k \- she intended to buy her usual £100 National Lottery Scratchcard, but came home with a much bigger prize. Most read in UK News 'WE'RE HEARTBROKEN' 'Kind' scaffolder, 37, dies in arms of his mum after trampoline fall CARNI CLASH Shocking moment woman throws punches at opponent in brutal Carnival brawl LOTTO LOVE I broke up with girlfriend MONTHS before her family won £61m EuroMillions prize LOVING CUTOUT Woman takes cardboard cutout of brother to festival after he died in crash BOOT CHAMPS Inside Brit training camps which turn Ukraine civilians into killing machines NUMBER CRUNCHERS My dad didn't share EuroMillions jackpot so we smashed his car with HAMMER The biggest jackpot ever to be up for grabs was £66million in January last year, which was won by two lucky ticket holders. Another winner, Karl managed to bag £11million aged just 23 in 1996. The odds of winning the lottery are estimated to be about one in 14million \- BUT you've got to be in it to win it. Sandra Devine and her husband Mike won by chance - can you too?Sandra Devine and her husband Mike won by chance \- can you too?

US Politics | Lottery results and numbers: Lotto and Thunderball draw tonight, August 31, 2022

THE NATIONAL Lottery results are in and it's time to find out who has won a life-changing amount of money tonight (August 31, 2022). ...
THE heartbroken dad of a teenager who died following an accidental pool drowning has described as a ...ray of sunshine, who touched many lives.... Swimmer Ella Swann, 14, who trained at Solihull Swimming Club in Fordbridge in the West Midlands, suffered a suspected epileptic field in the pool during a routine squad session on February 28. Ella Swann suffered a suspected epileptic fit doing the sport she loved BPMElla was training at Solihull Swimming Club when tragedy struck '/ ' The teen, who was diagnosed with epilepsy aged just 10, was rescued from the bottom of the pool and transferred to the Birmingham Children's Hospital but sadly died two days later, on March 2. A medical doctor who had treated Ella in hospital told an inquest jury that Ella had suffered ...hypoxic-ischemic brain damage, as a result of drowning, as a result of a generalised chronic seizure while swimming.... The Arden Academy pupil's devastated dad Michael Swann told the hearing Ella enjoyed sports and her favourite two sports were swimming and cross-country running as part of Solihull & Small Heath Athletic Club. ...Ella trained and swam at Solihull Swimming Club. Her favourite stroke was backstroke. She was part of swimming galas. ...She enjoyed taking part and even more she enjoyed the atmosphere and supporting other club members. For Ella it was all about taking part and having fun.... Michael told the inquest Ella had never suffered any epileptic seizures during physical activity. The teen also loved dancing, walking and school, where she scored a ...one for effort in every subject.... ...By year 10, she studied drama, English and music. Ella loved the arts, she loved the process of designing, structuring and delivering performance,... Michael added. Young Ella loved creative writing and was hoping to become a primary school teacher \- a role which Michael believes would have ...combine 'd ' her creative side with her kind nature.... ...Ella was a young lady, just making her way in life. Ella was well known for her kind nature, always full of joy, full of love and cared for others. She always tried her best to give things a go. She was a ray of sunshine.... Most read in US News 'mental collapse' Nurse, 37, 'suffered frightening breakdown before killing 6 in crash' MASSACRE Trial underway after 8 relatives found dead at home in execution-style ambush FOOD SAFETY Urgent warning after 'undeclared allergen' is found in 2 Chick-fil-A menu items INFANT DEATH Couple who crowdfunded for funeral of 7-week-old are charged with her MURDER TRAGIC END 'Beyond Scared Straight' alum found dead in abandoned home in California MAN WHO ENDED COLD WAR Mikhail Gorbachev, final leader of the Soviet Union, dies aged 91 Michael, from Dorridge, concluded: ...We are devastated. She is truly missed. Ella was a really special girl.... In a record of the inquest, the jury panel declared: ...Ella was pulled unconscious from the pool and given CPR by sports centre staff and subsequently emergency services. CPR was complicated due to persistent vomiting. ...Ella was transported to hospital and had suffered cardiac arrest. Ella was diagnosed with a hypoxic brain injury and died at 17.12 on 2 March 2022 at Birmingham Children's Hospital.... The jury confirmed to Birmingham and Solihull Coroner's Court their verdict was that Ella's death was ...accidental.... Following the tragedy, the family decided to donate Ella's organs. Louise Hunt, Senior Coroner for Birmingham and Solihull, told the family: ...There's nothing I can say to help the pain that you and your family go through every day. Read More on The Sun LUST FOR MURDER I had baby with 'world's worst' serial killer - he's 40 years older than me ...I hope in some sense this process has helped you understand a little bit more about what happened.... ...I realise it doesn't bring all of the answers. I hope with time you can remember the girl, the person, that you described. Thank you for sharing an insight into who Ella was....

US Politics | ‘Ray of sunshine’ girl, 14, dies after suffering seizure while swimming in pool

THE heartbroken dad of a teenager who died following an accidental pool drowning has described as a ...ray of sunshine, who touched many liv...


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