Sat, 20 Nov 2021 04:52:42 +0000
THREE people were killed and two were critically injured in a ...wrong-way... crash where a car rammed into an Andrews ISD bus that was carrying the high school's marching band. Texas Authorities said that a Ford-350 was driving the wrong way on I-20 for ...unknown reasons... when the vehicle collided with the school bus. 960Three people were killed in the crash The collision killed the driver of the Ford 350, according to MRT. The outlet reported that three people on the bus were airlifted to the hospital, with one later dying. A third person died at the scene of the crash. Department of Public Safety Sgt. Justin Baker said that 11 students were transported to a Big Spring medical facility for non-life-threatening injuries. The other two people who were airlifted to the hospital were in ...critical but stable condition.... Neither of the two people who were on the bus and died were students, according to the Department of Public Safety. Most read in US News NOT OVER YET Kyle Rittenhouse victims' families could sue teen after not guilty verdict MYSTERY DEEPENS Brian Laundrie's cause of death to be revealed as notebook found near body TERMINAL TERROR Passenger 'accidentally discharges' GUN sparking 'active shooter' fears FREE AT LAST Bodycam shows squalor inside Turpin home & bruises of kids chained to beds 'REST IN PEACE' Second Kenosha victim shot by Kyle Rittenhouse identified by family members MONEY MADNESS Drivers scramble to grab cash on freeway after it fell from armored truck Andrews ISD Superintendent Bobby Azam called the crash ...tragic,... but said the community will pull together. ...We'll get through tonight, but the tough part will be the days to come,... he said. ...Prayers are with those still receiving services and those who have lost loved ones. ...There will be some long days, but we are West Texas and people have already pulled together tonight.... Authorities have not yet released the names of those who were killed.

Andrews ISD 'wrong-way' crash leaves 3 dead and 2 critical as car rams into bus driving school marching band


Politics News

Top News | Andrews ISD ‘wrong-way’ crash leaves 3 dead and 2 critical as car rams into bus driving school marching band

THREE people were killed and two were critically...

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 07:00:00 +0000
GHISLAINE Maxwell gazes adoringly at paedo Jeffrey Epstein as they wear matching kilts in another newly emerged snap. Grinning Epstein also sported a sporran for the bash at Scotland's Skibo Castle. 884 in another newly emerged snap 753GettyEpstein took his own life while in jail and Maxwell is currently on remand in New York '/ ' The picture was displayed in billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein's mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, where he was accused of sickening sex attacks on underage girls. Epstein bought his six-bedroom Palm Beach home – near ex-US President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate – for £2million in 1990. In 2005 Palm Beach cops launched an investigation after girls as young as 14 reported being recruited from high school to perform "massages" on Epstein – where they were abused. Epstein cut a deal with prosecutors and was sentenced to just 18 months in prison in 2008 for procuring an underage girl for prostitution. Dozens of women and young girls have now come forward claiming they were sexually abused and raped at the property. Juan Alessi, Epstein's former butler, swore on oath that he set up massage tables every day as Andrew "spent weeks with us". 960Getty - ContributorEpstein and Maxwell were pictured attending a bash at Scotland's Skibo Castle '/ ' 960APThe paedo's lair in Palm Beach, Florida '/ ' Most read in The Sun DALES RACE PROBE Emmerdale rocked by race probe involving two of ITV soap's leading stars 'TOTAL SHOCK' Jorgie Porter reveals heartbreak at miscarrying quads at 14 weeks IT'S OL OVER Solskjaer has managed FINAL GAME for Man Utd & will be sacked after Watford SHORELY NOT I used benefits to pay for my cosmetic surgery - I'm too famous to have a job WINTER OF DISCONTENT Europe Covid epicentre faces lockdown in DAYS - how does UK compare? ALL GROWN UP Britain's Got Talent star George Sampson unrecognisable 13 years after show

Ghislaine Maxwell gazes adoringly at paedo Jeffrey Epstein as they wear matching kilts


Politics News

Top News | Ghislaine Maxwell gazes adoringly at paedo Jeffrey Epstein as they wear matching kilts

GHISLAINE Maxwell gazes adoringly at paedo Jeffr...

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 08:51:14 +0000
TWISTED double child killer Colin Pitchfork was hauled back to jail after approaching young girls while out walking, it is claimed. The Sun revealed how the monster, 61, was arrested over "concerning behaviours" just two months after his controversial release from prison in September. 673RexJustice Secretary Robert Buckland is poised to tell the Parole Board to rethink its decision to free double child murderer Colin Pitchfork '/ ' 726Dawn Ashworth was raped and murdered by Pitchfork in the 80s 733Lynda Mann was also one of his victims Pitchfork was caged for a minimum of 30 years in 1987 after raping and strangling Lynda Mann in 1983 and Dawn Ashworth in Leicestershire in 1986. The child killer was recalled as a preventative measure after approaching young girls while out on long walks, The Mirror reports. Sources say probation staff were concerned over his ...bad attitude... after his release but there is no suggestion he has committed a criminal offence. He is now the subject of a standard recall \- meaning he could in theory be released again in 28 days.  But his record means he is now almost certain to have to wait for a full Parole Board hearing in four to six months.  One source told The Sun: "Pitchfork's licence conditions were so tough that if he stepped out of line he faced recall.  Most read in The Sun DALES RACE PROBE Emmerdale rocked by race probe involving two of ITV soap's leading stars 'TOTAL SHOCK' Jorgie Porter reveals heartbreak at miscarrying quads at 14 weeks IT'S OL OVER Solskjaer has managed FINAL GAME for Man Utd & will be sacked after Watford SHORELY NOT I used benefits to pay for my cosmetic surgery - I'm too famous to have a job WINTER OF DISCONTENT Europe Covid epicentre faces lockdown in DAYS - how does UK compare? ALL GROWN UP Britain's Got Talent star George Sampson unrecognisable 13 years after show "Now he has done just that. His behaviour caused great concern and that was behind it. ...It's thought his attitude and fears he was hiding things were also a problem.... Pitchfork was ruled suitable for release by the Parole Board in March this year despite outrage from his victims' families. The government also mounted a bid to stop the double killer's release \- arguing it was ...irrational... to let him go free. Justice Secretary Robert Buckland asked the board to re-examine the decision. But Pitchfork was released from HMP Leyhill in September after the Parole Board ...refused... the appeal. He is subject to 43 licence conditions including tagging, exclusion zones and a ban on contact with children. ...EVIL' Dawn's mum, Barbara Ashworth, 75, said last night: "He shouldn't have been released in the first place. The man is evil and he should never have tasted freedom. ...The streets are safer with him in prison, that's how I feel.... Barbara, from Liskeard, Cornwall, added: ...He cannot be allowed out again.... While Lynda's younger sister Rebecca Eastwood, 40, said: ...It only took nine weeks for him to breach his conditions \- which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. ...The first question I asked probation was ...has anybody been hurt?' ...My biggest fear was that he had struck again. ...They told me it's linked to his behaviour \- he's been acting a bit shady and they've not liked it. They thought he was up to something. ...I'm absolutely made up that he's back inside and no one has been harmed. ...He's going to get re-evaluated now within 28 days. I just hope they see sense and don't make the same mistake again.... MONSTER SNARED Rebecca, who now lives on Merseyside, added: ...Predators like Pitchfork don't change. I honestly believe he will kill again. He is a monster who will never change.... Pitchfork was the first person in the world to be convicted using DNA evidence when he was locked up for life with a minimum of 30 years. The monster raped and strangled Lynda as she made her way home from babysitting in Narborough on November 21, 1983. Three years later, Dawn vanished on the short walk to her home in the neighbouring village of Enderby. Her body was discovered in the corner of a field hidden under branches. In 2009, Pitchfork's minimum sentence was reduced from 30 years to 28 years. The fiend, who was pictured on day release in 2017 wandering through Bristol, applied for parole in 2018 but his plea was rejected. CONTROVERSIAL RELEASE But the matter was reconsidered in June this year and the Parole Board deemed he was no longer a danger to the public. They trawled through more than 1,100 pages of information, victim statements, evidence from Pitchfork and his probation officers, police and a psychologist. They found he thought ...about sex a lot..., used ...violence and excessive force... and to demonstrate power and control over women... while offending. The experts also said he ...struggled... to cope with anger and loneliness and had a willingness to revenge... but had changed behind bars. But the government argued he had the ...capacity to manipulate and deceive the professionals he had worked with... in their appeal. They also revealed how Pitchfork gave a shop assistant chocolates while out on day release and lied about being married. The Probation Service said: "Protecting the public is our priority so when offenders breach conditions and potentially pose a risk, we will return them to custody." 960In September we pictured Pitchfork out on release for the first timeSimon Jones 761Lynda Mann was raped and murdered by Colin Pitchfork in 1983 960Dawn Ashworth was also raped and murdered by Pitchfork three years later

Child killer Colin Pitchfork recalled to prison after 'approaching young girls on walks' just months after walking free


Politics News

Top News | Child killer Colin Pitchfork recalled to prison after ‘approaching young girls on walks’ just months after walking free

TWISTED double child killer Colin Pitchfork was ...

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 09:08:00 +0000
THIS is the terrifying moment masked yobs smashed up a mum's car with baseball bats and threatened to kill her family. Claire MacDonald said she is in terror... after the trio of thugs targeted her home in a brutal midnight attack in Beith, Ayrshire. 596Masked thugs attacked Claire's car while her children slept upstairs 720CLAIRE MACDONALD / THE SCOTTISH SUNThe wing mirror in the car was left completely broken and all the car windows were smashed in the attack '/ ' 720CLAIRE MACDONALD / THE SCOTTISH SUNClaire came out to find her car dented and the inside covered in glass after it was smashed with baseball bats '/ ' Shocking CCTV footage caught the chilling ordeal on camera, as the armed culprits approached her St Inans Drive property around 12.15am on Saturday. Claire, 41, and her two sleeping children were inside at the time. The brave mum feared the thugs would try to get inside the house, so rushed outside to confront them. She told the Scottish Sun Online: ...They smashed my car to smithereens. ...My two children were upstairs asleep in bed and they attacked the front door, hitting it with a bat and hit my front window. ...I was scared they were going to come into the house when my kids were in their bed, so I went outside and started screaming to try and, not scare them off, but divert them. Most read in The Sun DALES RACE PROBE Emmerdale rocked by race probe involving two of ITV soap's leading stars 'TOTAL SHOCK' Jorgie Porter reveals heartbreak at miscarrying quads at 14 weeks IT'S OL OVER Solskjaer has managed FINAL GAME for Man Utd & will be sacked after Watford SHORELY NOT I used benefits to pay for my cosmetic surgery - I'm too famous to have a job WINTER OF DISCONTENT Europe Covid epicentre faces lockdown in DAYS - how does UK compare? ALL GROWN UP Britain's Got Talent star George Sampson unrecognisable 13 years after show ...The men kept saying they'd kill us and that my husband was a dead man. ...I screamed and screamed and eventually they went away. Cops took 25 minutes to attend.... Cops confirmed they have launched a probe into the incident. But mum-of-two Claire said the horrific events have left her feeling like she is in a horror movie... and has said her two kids, aged nine and ten, are too afraid to be in the house. The family fled to Claire's sister's house for a sleep... but have since returned to their own home. She added: ...My kids are terrified and I feel like a bad mother because I can't protect them. ...I feel like I'm living someone else's life. Like I'm in a horror movie and reading out the script. ...TRAUMATISED' It is the latest ambush in a series of attacks faced by the family, who moved to Beith eight years ago. Claire told the Scottish Sun: ...I'm traumatised \- I've been living in terror for years. ...I feel completely victimised and abused by people in the area. ...You stand up for yourself and they just push, push, push and it's been going on for three years now. ...I'm sick of getting no help from anyone.... She added: ...Last Saturday the same group of men threw acid all over my husband's car and it was in the garage for a week getting fixed. It needed a full re-spray. Shocking moment drug dealer tries to kill cop by mowing him down in Glasgow's west end ...Nothing has been acted on and we've had no police follow up. ...I'm hoping if I come forward and tell my story it might encourage witnesses to come forward anonymously or something to help me get justice for my family before something else happens. ...I'm still in a state of shock.... A spokesperson for Police Scotland said: ...Police were called around 12.15am on Sunday, 14 November, 2021 following the report of a car being vandalised on St Inans Drive, Beith....Officers attended the scene and enquiries are currently ongoing to trace those responsible.... 720CLAIRE MACDONALD / THE SCOTTISH SUNThe car was in the driveway of her home when the three masked men struck '/ ' We pay for your stories and videos! Do you have a story or video for The Scottish Sun? Email us at or call 0141 420 5300

Masked gang threatened to kill us & smashed my car with baseball bats in 'horror movie' estate while kids slept


Politics News

Top News | Masked gang threatened to kill us & smashed my car with baseball bats in ‘horror movie’ estate while kids slept

THIS is the terrifying moment masked yobs smashe...

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 09:27:00 +0000
RAMPAGING protesters broke windows and hurled objects at cops in Portland after Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted.  The riots in the Oregon city broke out after news broke 18-year-old Rittenhouse, who shot dead two men during racial unrest last year in Wisconsin, was cleared by a court. 960ReutersA fire burns on the street of Portland, Oregon, during protests after the ...not guilty... verdict was announced in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse '/ ' 960ReutersRiot police guard a court house in Portland amid threats to burn it down '/ ' 960RexKyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Wisconsin '/ ' The protest of about 200 people was declared a riot after protesters started smashing windows, throwing objects at police and threatening to burn down a courthouse, KOIN TV reported. Portland Police Bureau Chief Chuck Lovell said shortly after the verdict that officers were working on plans for Friday night and the weekend, KOIN reported. By about 8.50pm about 200 protesters had gathered in downtown Portland and blocked streets. By 9pm windows were broken and doors of city facilities were damaged. Police reported objects were being thrown at officers in the area. The police tweeted: ...A crowd has gathered near SE 2nd Avenue and SE Madison Street and participants have begun breaking windows and damaging doors of city facilities in the area. People are throwing objects at police officers in the area.... Portland saw ongoing, often violent protests after the murder of George Floyd last year by police in Minneapolis. Some activists complained that the police were heavy-handed in their response. Most read in The Sun DALES RACE PROBE Emmerdale rocked by race probe involving two of ITV soap's leading stars 'TOTAL SHOCK' Jorgie Porter reveals heartbreak at miscarrying quads at 14 weeks IT'S OL OVER Solskjaer has managed FINAL GAME for Man Utd & will be sacked after Watford SHORELY NOT I used benefits to pay for my cosmetic surgery - I'm too famous to have a job WINTER OF DISCONTENT Europe Covid epicentre faces lockdown in DAYS - how does UK compare? ALL GROWN UP Britain's Got Talent star George Sampson unrecognisable 13 years after show Meanwhile, masses of people gathered coast-to-coast to protest Rittenhouse's acquittal. Hundreds gathered outside the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York, to express their fury at the verdict as similar events unfolded across the nation. Read our Kyle Rittenhouse live blog for the very latest news and updates... Kenosha itself remained largely quiet as the night wore on. A crowd of about 40 people gathered at the courthouse but remained peaceful. Rittenhouse had faced life in prison if convicted on the most serious charge for using an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle to kill two men — Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum — and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz.  The teenager entered a plea of not guilty on all charges and claimed self-defense. He began to choke up, fell forward toward the defense table before hugging one of his attorneys as he heard a court clerk recite not guilty five times.  A sheriff's deputy whisked him out a back door. He has a huge sense of relief for what the jury did to him today Mark Richardsdefense attorney Defense attorney Mark Richards said: "He wants to get on with his life. "He has a huge sense of relief for what the jury did to him today.  "He wishes none of this ever happened. But as he said when he testified, he did not start this." Speaking afterward to Fox News, he said ...self-defense is not illegal.... He said: ...I am glad they reached the correct verdict. ...It's been a tough journey but we made it through. We made it through the hard part.... Rittenhouse will sit down with Fox's Tucker Carlson for his first interview on Monday. Joe Biden has said he was angry at the verdict. He said: ...While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken.... 960The Mega AgencyA sign that reads lives matter... seen during a march in Brooklyn against the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse '/ ' 960ReutersA demonstrator holds a placard reading's wrong and you know it' '/ ' The teen was acquitted on all chargesThe teen was acquitted on all charges We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The US Sun team? Email us at or call 212 416 4552. Like us on Facebook at and follow us from our main Twitter account at @TheSunUS

Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdicts sees violent riots erupt in Portland as protesters clash with cops


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Top News | Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty verdicts sees violent riots erupt in Portland as protesters clash with cops

RAMPAGING protesters broke windows and hurled ob...

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 09:41:07 +0000
PRINCE Harry is much happier in the US \- according to a royal expert. He made the move overseas to Meghan's hometown of California in March 2020, alongside Archie. 960GettyPrince Harry is much happier abroad, a royal expert has said '/ ' The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their young son Archie spent six weeks in Canada between November 2019 and January 2020, before permanently making the move to North America. The coronavirus pandemic pushed up their plans to settle, moving to Malibu in Los Angeles in March to avoid the borders between USA and Canada closing \- and they have been there ever since. Harry, 37, is so content in the US he will even miss Christmas with the Queen this year \- her first one without Prince Philip. Royal editor for the Daily Mail, Rebecca English, said the Prince's ...face and demeanor... show that he's much happier in the US. Speaking on the Palace Confidential podcast she said: ...Just by the look on his face and his demeanour, he clearly is a lot happier in the US.... She wished the Prince good luck \- adding it was probably what he was doing in America, compared with his tasks as a Senior Working Royal in the UK, that had led to him becoming much happier. It comes after another royal expert, Richard Fitzwilliams, said Meghan Markle seemed ...happy and relaxed... during a recent interview with Ellen Degeneres. The Duchess, 40, chatted with Ellen about her and ...H's... relaxed-sounding LA lifestyle. Most read in Fabulous CROWNING GLORY Queen buys SAME £6 Xmas present from Tesco for every member of staff 'TOTAL SHOCK' Jorgie Porter reveals heartbreak at miscarrying quads at 14 weeks WEE ISSUE Mum complains after nursery told off son for weeing in bushes - but gets slated BAG ON Fashion fans are going wild for bargain Hermès and Louis Vuitton dupes from Mango TOO MUCH DETAIL I'm a nail technician -these are the most annoying things clients say to me DATE DISASTER I was about to go on a date when he accidentally sent me a mortifying text She told the 63-year-old chat show host about how Archie loved to dance, that the family enjoyed a cute Halloween together, and about an embarrassing haircut she had as a child. Meghan beamed as she spoke about Halloween this year \- and revealed that she dressed Lilibet up as a skunk.  Meghan explained that her and the family spent this year's Halloween at home, but the kids were not into dressing up.  Meghan and Harry's daughter Lilibet, five months, went as a skunk and is said to have looked adorable.  Meghan said: "Lili was a little skunk. "Like Flower from Bambi."  She also took part in a toe-curling skit that saw her act out cringey instructions. Ellen made her munch cookies and tortilla chips a chipmunk,... tell a joke with no punchline and dress up as a kitten. Royal expert Richard noted: ...It's an extraordinary slice of American life to watch, and one thing can be absolutely certain \- that's not something Meghan would have ever been able to do as a senior working member of the Royal family. "The way Ellen handles celebrities, I didn't think the palace had much to worry about, and they didn't because she's cut loose and she's found freedom.... 744AFPThe couple seem much more chilled out after moving abroad '/ ' We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun news desk? Email us at or call 0207 782 4104. You can WhatsApp us on 07423 720 250. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours. Click here to get The Sun newspaper delivered for FREE for the next six weeks.

Prince Harry's 'face and demeanor shows he is happier in the US' after moving stateside with Meghan Markle, says expert


Politics News

Top News | Prince Harry’s ‘face and demeanor shows he is happier in the US’ after moving stateside with Meghan Markle, says expert

PRINCE Harry is much happier in the US \- accord...

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 12:36:47 +0000
COLOMBIA'S President Ivan Duque has apologised after police cadets dressed up as Nazis at a ...cultural exchange... event in honor of Germany. Photos of the ceremony were shared on an official police Twitter account and show students wearing World War Two uniforms — with one of them sporting a Hitler moustache. 331One of cadets appeared to dress as Adolf Hitler 960Colombia's President Ivan Duque has since apologised Others are dressed in the black uniform of the SS, complete with the red swastika armband. The black, red and yellow German flag and balloons in the same colours decorated the venue — but also featured were a replica Luftwaffe plane, copies of Nazi firearms, and swastikas on the table cloths. Two police officers in Colombian uniforms inaugurated the event by cutting a ribbon, the pictures showed. A police Twitter account said: ...From the SimonBolivar police academy in the city of Tulua, we are organizing an #InternationalWeek with guest country #Germany. ...With these cultural exchanges, we are strengthening the knowledge of our police students.... The photos were met with a mixture of anger and incredulity on social media, provoking deep embarrassment for the authorities. Most read in The Sun DALES RACE PROBE Emmerdale rocked by race probe involving two of ITV soap's leading stars 'TOTAL SHOCK' Jorgie Porter reveals heartbreak at miscarrying quads at 14 weeks IT'S OL OVER Solskjaer has managed FINAL GAME for Man Utd & will be sacked after Watford SHORELY NOT I used benefits to pay for my cosmetic surgery - I'm too famous to have a job WINTER OF DISCONTENT Europe Covid epicentre faces lockdown in DAYS - how does UK compare? ALL GROWN UP Britain's Got Talent star George Sampson unrecognisable 13 years after show But president Duque apologised. He said: ...Any apology for Nazism is unacceptable and I condemn any demonstration that uses or refers to symbols referring to those responsible for the Jewish Holocaust that claimed the lives of more than six million people,... The police dismissed the head of the academy. The Defence Ministry, under whose umbrella the Colombian police falls, said in a statement that its training guidelines not envisage in any way an activity such as the one which took place yesterday.... The German and Israeli embassies in Bogota issued a joint statement expressing rejection of any form of apology or demonstration of Nazism.... Under fire internationally for its brutal suppression of anti-government protests earlier this year, the Colombian police has embarked on a ...transformation... campaign to improve its image, which will include a uniform change. 960The display also featured a replica Luftwaffe plane and copies of Nazi firearms 693Police cadets dressed up as Nazis for a ...cultural exchange' event (pictured) in honour of Germany 960EPAPresident Ivan Duque said he condemned the incident and apologised '/ ' We pay for your stories! Do you have a story for The Sun news desk? Email us at or call 0207 782 4104. You can WhatsApp us on 07423 720 250. We pay for videos too. Click here to upload yours. Click here to get The Sun newspaper delivered for FREE for the next six weeks.

Colombian police cadets spark fury after donning Nazi uniforms & Hitler mustaches at German 'cultural exchange' event


Politics News

Top News | Colombian police cadets spark fury after donning Nazi uniforms & Hitler mustaches at German ‘cultural exchange’ event

COLOMBIA'S President Ivan Duque has apologis...


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